The Books

The vampire romance trilogy „Eulenflucht – Durch die Nacht“

Emily cannot tell too much about „Eulenflucht – Durch die Nacht“ at the moment but a few details can be told. Many people ask her why she chose the title “Eulenflucht” (Owl Escape). It’s an old fashioned word from the northern part of Germany which means something like dawn or gloaming (the time when owls fly). Emily was thrilled when she read it because it was exactly the title she looked for her vampire trilogy. The settings of “Eulenflucht – Durch die Nacht” are in Dresden and the North of Germany.

But how did she find Tokio Hotel ?

She has read some articles about “Humanoid” and she could not really imagine that Tokio Hotel can sound like Depeche Mode or New Order. Then she read the name Guy Chambers and from this point on she realized that this CD has to be something special, because he has worked also with Robbie Williams for a long time – and Emily is a huge Robbie Williams fan. She decided to go to a record store to listen to the CD – and was completely amazed. She was so amazed that in the end she bought the German and the English version of the album. When she came back home she listened to the songs and was astonished of the sound of Tokio Hotel. When she listened to “Geisterfahrer” she was absolutely shocked and flashed because this song was like her book. How could it be that the guys from Tokio Hotel know her book? She was so stunned and looked like a hypnotized rabbit on the cd – player. The people who really wanna get to something about the book should listen to „Geisterfahrer“. “Humanoid” is an album which is definitely one of her playlist. She thanks Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav for the amazing album. In the book “Eulenflucht – Durch die Nacht” the song “Geisterfahrer” will be honoured in a very special way, because it is THE SONG. On the first page a quotation of “Geisterfahrer” will appear to show her gratitude and respect to TH. During the story Tokio Hotel will appear in certain sequences.

Right now her exposee is at the office of a great publishing house and Emily is awaiting an answer. By the end of March „Eulenflucht – Durch die Nacht“ will be finished and hopefully it gets published by the end of 2010.

The angel romance trilogy

The hommage to “the black angel of Milan”

Not only the fashion world was amazed by Bill’s catwalk debut – no, Emily too. She was completely impressed.

A few days after Bill’s terrific catwalk debut Emily blogged that her second novel won’t be the continuance of “Eulenflucht” but the first book of an angel trilogy. She had already plot but she could not visualize the protagonists at this moment. This was planned after finishing “Eulenflucht – Durch die Nacht” – but things changed.

She saw Bill in Milan and for her, he was HER „the black angel“ for the angel trilogy. She was stunned by his presence, hair and gesture. There was “her angel” of her book. She was absolutely shocked and got chickenpocks all over her body and noted about 1000 words down and collected several pictures of the show. Emily says: „Thank you Bill! Stay gold as you are and don’t let the people telling you what to do – you are art!”

The first book of the angel trilogy, is an hommage to Bill Kaulitz because of the angel protagonist. Emily will start to write the first of the angel books in May 2010. She hopes to finish it in October 2010. The trilogy has already got a name (the first book too).